Archive for the ‘Los Angeles’ Category
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August 3rd, 2008
One particular table at the sunny and sweet Alcove Cafe and Bakery in Los Feliz has secret drawers with messages left by errant customers over the years.
July 30th, 2008
I was on the phone with Matthew Holt when my chair felt like it was shaking. I thought it was the pesky landscaping and waste trucks that go by right outside our bungalow on Willey Lane in West Hollywood. Within seconds CNN’s breaking news said it was a magnitude 5.8 earthquake. Later in the afternoon, health system at the Whole Foods’ fish counter, infection a small group of us shared our earthquake stories. For the next 24 hours, there’s a not insignificant chance that there will be a bigger one.
July 5th, 2008
“You. Look. Adorable! I love your skirt!!!” Gay man calls out as I walk past see-and-be-seen cafe on Santa Monica Blvd.