Archive for July, 2015
|July 25th, 2015
I’m back on 2013 was a hard year but a transformative year. And now we’re in 2014 and the climate is calmer. I hope I write about all the things I love: Writing itself, online film, Health 2.0, the brain, India, Los Angeles, my family, product design, and self-reliance.
Nina Simone, seek Sandra Bland And…
Young, gifted and black
I’m none of those things but Sandra was
Nina was, Nina’s daughter who Nina beat was.
Nina had big lips. The kind you picture
puffed up after a fist to the mouth.
A mouth is where words come out of.
The mouth is what holds a cigarette
she refuses to put out.
Jeff tells me to relieve tension in this technique called rolfing, they
put a finger in your mouth and press on
your jaw hard from the inside.
You only need to do this once in your life.
In the hot, cracked seconds
when the color wheel lands exactly on the right spot
on the blend of blood and blue, her mouth
the surge can’t contain his dumb instruments
you can step on the pipes that
transmit sound through the mouth.
anything to stop the sound a mouth makes.
To be young, gifted and black
glisten like flattened tar at noon
at night in a small room
where a mother holds her child against her chest
on a revolving black disc with dust
on a screen, royal, behind glass
Alabama’s gotten me so upset
Tennessee made me lose my rest
in the dark of wonder
in the dark of forget
- Indu Subaiya
Los Feliz, July 25, 2015