Archive for December, 2011
|I want to save the New York Times
December 23rd, 2011
After seeing Page One, viagra the stellar documentary about the state of the New York Times in an age of dying print news, cialis 40mg I’m more convinced than ever that the NYT can become more profitable than anything. I know there are a gazillion brilliant people who’ve been working at this issue for a long time but I think if I had access to capital that was willing to be patient for a while, I could figure out a model. For one, their online presence is so under-leveraged. The year in review in pictures can’t even be embedded in another blog – this gorgeous visual history – I can’t share with anyone other than via a hyperlink. That is the kind of difference I’d be exacting about if it were my company. It’s the kind of thing that actually makes a difference. When I sign in, why can’t I customize the page better? Why is Times Topics buried in a random link up top when it’s the coolest thing ever? And many more questions.
Billie Holiday sings Strange Fruit
December 18th, 2011
I read about this song in Lapham’s Quarterly, stuff in a piece written by Billy Holiday herself where she talks about how the song came about — partly based on a poem and partly based on how her father died. Every time she sang it she had to run to the bathroom where she got sick – it took that much out of her. It starts, doctor “Southern trees bear a strange fruit, viagra 60mg Blood on the leaves and blood at the root.” I listened to it just now, and the waves of chills are still coming.